Celebrating 40 Years of
Cutting-Edge Solutions

The Mabarex Approach

At Mabarex, we prioritize customer satisfaction. Our commitment, unwavering dedication and shared vision with our clients is key to our success. With a legacy of 40 years, we have solidified our position as the trusted partner for all your water treatment needs.

Celebrating 40 Years of Cutting-Edge Solutions



Understanding and analyzing your specific situation and needs is our primary focus. This essential step in our service offering enables us to immerse ourselves in your reality and propose solutions that will give you the concrete means to achieve your goals.



We acknowledge that technology alone is not the only answer. Our strength lies in seamlessly integrating different components to provide our clients with optimized treatment processes.



Mabarex excels at building, maintaining, and managing water treatment systems. Our clients benefit from our unwavering commitment to enhancing efficiency and optimizing their facilities. With our technical expertise and remote monitoring capabilities, we help reduce operating costs by identifying and preventing potential issues.

Our Trusted Partners

Our team of experts

Our strength lies in our distinctiveness. The wide diversity of profiles and skills within our team is what sets us apart. Through the collective efforts and dedication of each team member, Mabarex upholds the highest standards of quality.

We take pride in our commitment to making a positive impact on the environment.

Our Products

Through strong partnerships with the most reputable collaborators, we provide effective, durable, and dependable solutions for water treatment across various applications and project scales. Our approach revolves around utilizing cutting-edge technology and leveraging our expertise. Our primary goal is to deliver the solution that perfectly aligns with your specific requirements, whether this involves the use of our own proprietary technologies or those of our partners.

Our Services

At every phase of your project, our team of specialists is on hand to assist you. From the initial study phase, all the way through design, construction, and the operation of high-performance water treatment plants, we offer comprehensive support and expertise. Our technicians are spread across different locations, and we provide remote monitoring and technical services to ensure a reliable presence and prompt, efficient action when needed.

Nos produits

Nos alliances stratégiques avec des partenaires de qualité nous permettent d’offrir des solutions de traitement d’eau efficaces, robustes et fiables et ce, pour tous types d’application et tailles de projet. Les technologies et notre savoir sont nos outils! L’important pour nous, est de vous offrir la solution qui répond le mieux à vos besoins spécifiques peu importe si c’est en utilisant une de nos technologies exclusives ou celle d’un partenaire.

Nos services

Notre équipe d’experts peut vous accompagner lors de toutes les étapes de votre projet. De la phase d’étude préliminaire, en passant par les phases de conception et de réalisation, jusqu’à la mise en route et l’opération d’usines performantes de traitement des eaux. La dispersion géographique de nos techniciens tout comme notre service de suivi et d’accompagnement à distance assurent une présence sécurisante et permet une intervation rapide et efficace.

Our Achievements

Take a closer look at what MABAREX can do for you by consulting our most recent projects. Whatever the size of your project or sector in which your organization operates, our team is there to support you in achieving your objectives.

MABAREX celebrates its 40th anniversary and remains a pioneer by carrying out the first PFAS (forever pollutants) treatment project in Quebec.

A first in Quebec! Mabarex obtains a $10 million contract from the City of Saguenay for the destruction of PFAS in drinking water. In the coming months, Mabarex will dispatch
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40 years of expertise

For 40 years, we have been offering increasingly complete and complex water treatment solutions, which makes us today a company recognized for our innovation. The interaction and teamwork between the
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CESM (complexe environnemental de Saint-Michel): a unique sorting centre in the heart of the city

Operating a recycling sorting centre, biogas-to-electricity plant, and composting and wood-shredding sites in a city’s central neighbourhood poses the constant challenge of managing unpleasant odours. Fortunately, Mabarex’s multidisciplinary expertise, a
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Latest News

MABAREX differentiates itself not only by its human approach, which is centred on the unique context and needs of each client, but also through its integrated solutions combining the best available technologies. Stay updated on water treatment and explore the diverse solutions through our latest news content.


Chez MABAREX nous nous démarquons par notre approche humaine, centrée sur votre contexte unique, mais aussi sur notre capacité à vous offrir des solutions intégrées combinant les meilleures technologies disponibles. Apprenez-en plus sur le traitement des eaux et les différentes solutions qui s’offrent à vous en consultant nos dernières actualités.

Latest News

MABAREX differentiates itself not only by its human approach, which is centred on the unique context and needs of each client, but also through its integrated solutions combining the best available technologies. Stay updated on water treatment and explore the diverse solutions through our latest news content.

Mabarex celebrates 40 years of service

For four decades, Mabarex has prioritized the preservation of water, an essential natural resource. With a team that truly values respect for the environment, Mabarex continues to make a clear difference as a pioneer in the water treatment industry.
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